This meeting was intended for the preparation of the rally of Mexico, but the conditions was very wet. Mud had invaded the base after good downpours. The morning, the team has to change basic because of this ground. The wind and the sun present made it possible to reconsider the base envisaged at the origin after midday. The runs were connected with short pauses. The team worked mainly on adjustments of suspensions and differentials. The passages in end according to midday became spectacular with a standard bump “Finland” making leap C4 on tens of meters.
The car used were that of Raikonnen in Sweden. It failed well to finish in a bad condition, the turns being connected, confidence increasing, the passages are increasingly fast, Seb takes a little too much cord and here is C4 on 2 wheels, it falls down on the 4 and not on the roof! An occasion to congratulate Ogier on sound beautiful rally of Sweden and to have levelled to us at the time of these passages. A rally which has to him seems it well rained contrary to a RAC or of a rally of Ireland which it is glad not to re-examine in 2011. Two rallys with too many traps according to the pilot of the TEAM junior.
Source: WRC is.free.fr
Courtesy: Saima KRS