Following the wintery conditions of the Rally Sweden, the Citroën Junior Team now changescontinent and surface to contest the first gravel round of the 2010 FIA World Rally Championshipseason. Sébastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia and Kimi Räikkönen/Kaj Lindström will drive the team’stwo Citroën C4 WRCs.
Having appeared on the World Rally Championship for the first time in 2004, the León-based eventfeatures the most concentrated rally route on the calendar this year. In fact, a full 354.60 kilometres outof a total route length of only 884.58 kilometres are run competitively. Another peculiarity of RallyMexico is that competitors will be driving at an altitude of almost 2800 metres at one point on theopening day (Ortega, SS2 and SS6). Citroën comes into the event fresh from three consecutive victoriesin Mexico, between 2006 and 2008. Nonetheless, the Rally Mexico will be an all-new experience for theCitroën Junior Team, which goes there for the first time.
Sébastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia, who finished a brilliant fifth on the season-opening Rally Sweden,have some fond memories of their first visit to Mexico. In 2008, Rally Mexico marked the French crew’sWorld Rally Championship debut. They got their Junior World Rally Championship campaign off to aflying start with a momentous win.
“It was a career-defining moment,” remembered Sébastien. “I’ve got some very happy memories ofMexico. We had a lot to learn, but in the end we were able to win after a rally where we were forced toattack in order to gain an advantage, but then also moderate our pace in order to look after the car. Ireally like this rally as the stages are very flowing and progressive. The fans are especially enthusiastic inMexico as well!”
Since making their World Rally Championship debut two years ago, Sébastien and Julien have climbedonto the overall podium (thanks to second place in Greece last year) and finished eighth in the 2009World Rally Championship for drivers. In Sweden, their fifth place ensured that they beat several localScandinavian specialists. So in Mexico, the French duo’s objective will be to at least equal that result.“We started the season well, with a top-five finish on our first visit to Sweden,” added Sébastien. “Ourobjective is to maintain this same pace throughout the season and get closer to the podium on the eventsthat we know a bit already. “In Mexico, we start off with the advantage of having already driven eight ofthe 11 different stages in the C2 Super 1600. On top of that, we were able to prepare for this rally witha day of testing in Spain. If there’s a chance of finishing higher than fifth, we’re certainly going to go forit!”
Kimi Räikkönen and Kaj Lindström will continue their learning curve on the gravel of Mexico. Followingtheir first rally on the snowy tracks of Sweden in February, the Finnish crew now faces a new challenge ona very different surface.
“What I love about rallying is that you have to be competitive on all sorts of different surfaces,” said Kimi.“After my experience on snow, now I’m going to find out about driving on gravel. I really don’t knowwhat to expect, but that is all part of our learning process. I’m very much looking to driving the CitroënC4 WRC in these challenging conditions and getting as many kilometres under my belt as I can, in orderto add to my experience.”
Three questions to… Kimi Räikkönen
Looking back on it now, what conclusions can you draw from your first event in the World RallyChampionship with the Citroën Junior Team C4 WRC?
“The really positive thing is that we managed to cover all the stages on the Rally Sweden and we learneda lot. We could have done better overall had it not been for some small mistakes but we managed toimprove our stage times as the rally went on. That was our initial objective. The second run through thestages was better for us. I also felt a big difference once I became more confident with my pace notes.With more experience, things should get increasingly easier.”
Mexico will be the first time that you drive the Citroën C4 WRC on gravel. Do you think that youwill find this surface easier than snow?
“I’m really looking forward to starting the Rally Mexico. My impression is that driving on gravel should bea little bit easier for us. Or at least that’s what Marcus Grönholm told me! I reckon that we will find amore consistent level of grip on gravel. But for the moment I’m still lacking experience. I just need to getmore kilometres in the car in order to get used to the Citroën C4 WRC in particular and rallying ingeneral.”
How are you going to approach the Rally Mexico?
“My plan had initially been to take part in a test session on gravel, in order to get to know the Citroën C4WRC a bit better on a new surface for me. But unfortunately I experienced a bit of back pain that stoppedme from driving. I’ve had some treatment now but I preferred to rest before leaving for Mexico. Of course Iwould have liked to test the car before going, but it was important to recuperate in order to start thesecond rally of the season in the best possible physical shape.”
Source: racecar - Courtesy: miezicat