Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Domenicali: “The brain does not stop working on holiday”

Inevitably, there had to be some talk of racing matters during the press conference for the launch of Ercole Colombo’s book on twenty years of Wrooom. As from tomorrow, the obligatory two week shutdown of work at the Gestione Sportiva begins: “We will be on holiday, but that does not mean our brains will stop working,” said Domenicali. “Maybe one can even find fresh inspiration when outside the normal working environment and I expect this time to be a fertile one for ideas, which when all is said and done, are what make the difference.”

When it came to the polemical debate concerning events at the German Grand Prix and the following one about flexible wings, Domenicali was very clear: “I was dumbstruck to see so much hypocrisy in our world, but I don’t want to add anything else: there will just be more work to do; who knows it might be an added distraction for some. I have to say I was very pleased with the way our team reacted at a point in the season when the results were just not coming. The second half of July went very well and I hope it has given the right impetus for the final part of the season. We know there is much to do, because we still do not have the best car, but this should simply be a further incentive. We said it with Fernando a few days ago: if we manage to always be there, in the top places, then we can get satisfaction.”
