Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

The Vettel Diaries: entry 1 - Bahrain GP

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hmm… what can I say about the track in Bahrain? Well, there’s a lot of asphalt lying around. Joking apart, I have spent the majority of my time observing the new parts of the track here at Sakhir. They’ve always been there, but we in F1 have never driven on them before. I’ve focused on their camber and kerbs, and tried to find the right line to be the fastest.

Besides that, the most eyecatching thing here is the huge amount of cameras. Everyone, no matter how funny they look or which race suit they wear, immediately gets mobbed. The reason they’re here? One name: Michael Schumacher. A lot of people have come to Bahrain just to see his comeback. Does it bother me? Not at all. It actually has the opposite effect, and the worldwide interest it’s created is just amazing for our sport.

Sure, Michael is 41 years old and has been around a long time, but he hasn’t reached the end of the line yet. The fact that he is my next-door neighbour in the pitlane won’t change anything, either. Sure, I’ll say ‘hi’ and ‘goodbye’ a few times, but I am only focusing on myself and my team. Everyone has his own things to do, especially at the beginning of the season.

I know that I will be battling four world champions in the fight for the title this season, but I don’t really care what they do. As you guys know, I have my own goal: I want to be exactly where I got to last year, hoping that the final press conference will be with five world champions.
Maybe the little experience I had earlier today can be seen as a lucky sign: I pulled my hand back from scratching my neck and there was a little ladybird sitting on it. I hope it will be a lucky charm – I’m really sorry if I hurt him a bit!

Till tomorrow,


Source: Red Bull