Maybe the readers feel like we would go through the same thing over and over again but let's say it again. We knew before the season that this wasn't going to be easy. We learn from mistakes. And we have learned - I can guarantee that.
The first rally on gravel wasn't too hot for Kaitsu and me. We had a big roll in the mountain range. The best before that was that we already got some promising times just before that mistake.
I just lost traction when braking. There was some lump beside the dusty road and from that the car flipped around. It was quite a banging when we rolled six times through the roof in a whole body spin to the bottom of the hill.
Mostly I was gutted for not being able to continue on Saturday. The regulations say that you can't continue if there's even the slightest crack in the safety cage.
Now we lost two important driving days. Every rally more with this car wouldn't hurt me at least. At least in Mexico our car felt really good. My team mate even got to the podium with the car.
Never mind. The opening day was tricky enough without the ending. I hit a rock in the beginning and we had to give half an hour of leverage to others once again when there were some probs with the fuel supply and we couldn't find the problem anywhere at first.
But it's like this. It's part of rally's nature. We will go forward with humility. Learn all the time and there will come a race where we don't have to compose anything extra on the road.
The car is now being built for Jordan at the workshop. Now I have some resting in my schedule. After that we will drive one test and go to Jordan.
I'm going as an apprentice there too because these other guys have rallied there before. For me and Kaitsu everything is completely new.
But the passion to learn is just as 10 as it was before the first rally.
In Mexico we went quite nicely forward in notes too. It's coming.
Source: Kimiraikkonen.com
Courtesy: Nicole Planet-F1